Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All of my Help comes from the Lord

There is a Word from the Lord today! As I was making dinner for my family this evening, a song was placed on my heart which is actually a scripture. It goes a little something like this......."I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help. All of help cometh from the Lord...." I was reminded of how looking up creates a positive mindset which will help you get through whatever you may be going through....stressful relationships, broken hearts, grieving a loved one, finances or lack thereof finances. It doesn't matter. The point is this. God has made us a promise for whatever that you ask in His name, it shall be given. If you ask for that relationship to be put back together, He will grant that in His name, if you ask for your heart to be healed, He can mend that in His name, if you ask for comfort in your grieving, He will provide you with peace and comfort in His name, if you ask Him to provide for you and your family through rough times, He will cover you in His name. All of these things shall and can be yours by seeking Him and His Kingdom and His Righteousness first in your life. Look up my sisters and brothers, for your help comes from God. Be blessed in Jesus' name.


  1. nice to see the words from the mind now in print for all to see and share, mg.

  2. To God be all glory!!! Thank you so much for your obedience and sharing the word straight from the Lord! My soul will look up today because I am reminded that all of my help comes from the Lord. Thank you! Thanks and praise to you indeed.
    -Rev. D
